Quick & Convenient

The Balanced Chef is a meal prep service located in Utica, NY. Brian, the owner, trained at the Culinary Institute of America, and prepares every meal to me fresh, healthy, and delicious. His wife, Cynthia, is a registered dietitian and works with Brian to ensure the meals are balanced. 

Their clients simply order the meals that they want for the week and The Balanced Chef does the rest. Once the meals are delivered, the clients simply heat them for two minutes in the microwave, and have a chef-quality meal ready to go! 

No cooking, cleaning, or wasting food… it’s genius!

Unique Requirements

With this project, we faced a couple of unique challenges. First, The Balanced Chef has a number of partnerships with local gyms and businesses that act as pickup locations. When a customer places an order, they needed to be able to select their pickup location. Second, we needed a good way to report the weekly sales so The Balanced Chef team could easily see the number of meals going to each location without having to check every single order. 

To solve these issues, we used a mix of third party apps and custom development. This allowed us to provide The Balanced Chef with all of the functionality they requested while keeping the cost significantly lower than a fully custom solution.